Sunday, November 14, 2010

Message From Our Staff

The news is not new, on Wednesday November 24th, a group of very astute Americans have called for all travelers to "opt out" of the so called naked-scanners.  We at, have joined the movement and invite all travelers to enjoy our Stop Groping Me apparel, while standing up to our government.

Why do we feel so strongly about our position? Its simple really. Privacy. Quite frankly I object like so many Americans to the idea, of non-law enforcement personnel gazing upon my glorious naked body. Why are we willing to give up every ounce of dignity for the simple task of boarding an aircraft? Many argue that our security is ultimately more important than our privacy. Can this be? I dont think so, and neither does the rest of America.

 The Department of Homeland Security is extremely reactive, perhaps with good reason, perhaps without. The Shoe Bomber makes an attempt to interrupt a flight by exploding his shoes, shoes are now required to be scanned. It becomes clear that perhaps terrorist can use liquids to prepare explosives onboard an aircraft... and at once liquids are banned, and eventually confined to 3 oz per bottle. Ask yourself, how many terrorist does it take to compile 21 oz of liquid? The answer...7. So by restricting the size of my toothpaste tube, DHS has done absolutely nothing but increase the sales of what ever company makes those cute little travel sized lotions, shampoos and toothpaste.  And let's not even talk about the sandwich bag scheme. At first it was meant to control quantity, but you know what I found out the hard way? As it turns out, one 3oz bottle of cologne must be thrown out if its not in the all protecting bomb proof sandwich bag, even if that's the only liquid travelling with you. Next, the terrorist sneak bombs into their underwear...enter "naked scanner." Next the terrorist chose printer cartridges, predictably less than a week later printer cartridges were banned. 

So here we are, DHS has reacted to every move the terrorist have made, tit for tat. They try something, we respond by making more restrictions on American citizens. Its time to get mad, and getting naked to fly is my tipping point. The irony of it all is that the very planes for which we are giving up our privacy and stripping down to our underwear to board, are being loaded with bombs that have gotten by undetected. All of this indignity, all of the privacy rights that we have thrown out the window for the sake of safety, and as it turns out we aren't all that safe after all. I won't stand for it; no TSA agent will see me naked. They may grope if they chose, but I will protest that as well.  Let's make a stand, here and now. Folks, stop rolling over and letting our government infringe on the values we as Americans hold dear. Tell the TSA and DHS to Stop Groping Me!

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